This blog is meant for the exchange of ideas especially between the students registered in the Immigration course at Pace University. The comments will not be moderated and so you are asked to express your ideas and beliefs clearly , un-apologetically but to apply restraint to the choice of words :-)
Let us cut to the chase and ask each one to post a comment about what Immigration measures you would advocate if you had the power to pass any legislation that your heart desires . (That would be nice wouldn't it? lol)
I would advocate a legislation where the costs to become a citizen was more affordable because it is unfair that people who want to become a citizen have to pay such an unfair amount of money. Furthermore I wouldnt restict the amount of immigrants that come to the country as long as they pay taxes. It becomes unfair that illegal immgrants children can go to school and recieve free lunch and other free testing advantages on tax dollars that they didnt contribute to. I dont mind giving what I have to support others, but I believe that they should help out too. They are not the only ones struggling. Furthermore the actual neighborhoods they migrate too are low income ones and these areas local and school taxes rise inorder to support this demand. This becomes a burden on thoes who already barley have enough to get by. Therefore as long as they are helping out a little bit financially to this nation, I dont mind because immigrants do provide our nation with culture and other benefits and most importantly are human beings that have the same rights we do.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost understand that I am in no way against immigration; everyone has just as much right to be here as I do because we are all human beings and we exsit with the same basic rights of humanity. We all want to do what is best for ourselves and our families, and if that means move to the United States then that is fine by me. Moving to the United States, however, should mean that people move here legally. I think that they should be able to speak and understand English even if it is not their first language, I think they should want to improve their education because this will allow them to find better jobs allowing them to obtain sufficient health care, and take better care of their families. The piece of legislation I would pass if I could would be to give immigrants (who cannot afford citizenship to the United States) the option of joining the military. I think this would be a good way for them to be incorporated into society, to get a higher education, to receive benefits for their families, and to show that they do appreciate the country to which they are moving. This would show their dedication to the United States, and they would be earning everything they receive from the government.